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As a family-owned design and development team with 24 years of experience in flipping homes and home renovations, yard and deck transformations, mobile, barn and shed projects, site prep, furniture design and build, seasonal decor and income properties, we are excited to offer design and costing consultations to you as well as K&C Accommodations! Check out our services for details.

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FFFTaking on almost any challenge that seemed to make sense, we were forced to be innovative, brave, motivated, and dedicated. When you take it upon yourself to renovate your home, it must be taken seriously and with a professional mind-set. Meeting codes, financial planning and umpteen number of decisions that can make-or-break a design, weighs upon those who take the plunge. We were once a society of do-it-yourself kind of folk because we had to be but now it is a choice. It takes a great deal of stamina, communication skills, calm tempers and flexible mindsets to make it happen and happen successfully, but it can be the most satisfying thing you will ever do for yourself if the challenge sparks an interest you cannot ignore! 

If you think you may be up for the challenge, we would love to help you give it a try! We offer some beginner advice, consults and ideas as one of our services.


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